Monday, January 10, 2022

Kyoto Haikus

Dark forest paths, Amitava memories, trees torch our way

Floating fall leaves? Red baby Kois play, mount Kurama.

Icy autumn gusts, brown leaves rain down, a flock of sparrows.

Tossing orange peels, perched under tall conifers, making my own Momiji

Impending autumn, searching for my father's smile, I wander alone.

Tangerine clouds
Persimmons color ground
Wild geese fly high

Ink stained hills
Yellow quilts of ripe rice
Swollen Kamo

Dove clouds drape,
Deep Indigo hills
Vermilion Tori

Velvet green hills
Urban jungle speed past
Composing haikus

In autumn days
Why do fires still ablaze
Awaiting winter snow

Still, and intent
A stork gazing into Kamo
Seasons swirl by

Deepening dusk,
Chasing deers' sharp bark
A Buddha in red scarf

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