Monday, January 10, 2022


The genius of a human mind never fails to surprise me - sometimes this is also about my genius. Once an idea is discovered, it seems so obvious - prosaic even. But what luminous moment of clarity shapes its reality? And how does one remain tapped into that source - as a way of life. Endless such questions fill my last days on this earth - days that have seen many joys, equally of grief, wonderment, and dark depths of inner torture. Now all is silent, in grace and poise, even possibly in quiet anticipation for adventures that lie in the beyond. But before that I have my story to tell. No doubt you have read, heard much in the media - where I am painted a witch about to meet her deserved justice.

The idea occurred to me more than a decade back during our sabbatical year in Kyoto - the purest land of idyllic beauty surrounded by gentlest hills, and a clear flowing Kamo. The ways of the Japanese are strange and enchanting. I discovered the charms of their gardens, karmic grace of their temples, delicious flavours of their food, and kindest courtesy of their normal behaviour - even to the outsiders. However, some of their ways were strange too - amongst them, things like human placenta based lotions, horse and deer oils as anti-aging remedies! These ideas directly fed my imagination, germinating into Elixir - an organically processed, cold pressed oil, that would benefit from a variety of ailments to serious, life threatening diseases. I promoted its promise without specifying its only ingredient. Of course, it cost a lot - as much as a human life, really, besides the enormous effort of procuring, preparing and processing. It could be consumed orally - medically or a delicious nutty additive to food. It could be used as massage oil or skin care serum - with endless diverse possibilities for its imaginative and beneficial use. 

The positive reviews came pouring in, immediately after the release - in millions, literally. Scientists started trying to figure out the key ingredients - it was discovered that the composition was so close - to be almost identical - to a human source. Yet, none had the courage to identify the most obvious, correct answer. Elixir was my own genius creation for a disease free, always youthful, human race.

The raw material was not difficult to access. With increased life expectancy - a gift/curse of modern medicine, and the associated suffering of unbearably prolonged old ages, with unheard-of diseases, the demand for hospices has been on continual rise - to provide pain free and palliative care to those impatiently facing their much awaited end. I decided that this was where life was at its most redundant and it would be an act of compassion and mercy to help these suffering souls out of their bodily misery. 

Once the idea was in place - the rest was just work - relatively easy. Small notice on social support groups catering to those at their very end got me more takers than I could utilise - such tragic & desperate need of so many who had lived more than they wished. I suppose, the fact that their life & end would also benefit & serve the well being of human race was an added incentive that had them racing to my doors. I was very particular to only accept the really elderly and hopeless. A miracle could well save the terminal but young - and they would have their life ahead of them. 

I made sure to have prolonged,  personal last sessions that invariably brought peace, and ascertained that their end was quick and painless. 

How can any of this be considered, wrong or evil - I fail to understand. Yet, here I am - facing my end - found guilty by a society of humans. I know that my life was well lived and served so many well - both in life and death. I only hope this idea will live on - even if subversively till the masses are educated, compassionate and enlightened enough to legally mandate that the dead too shall serve the living.

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