Monday, May 25, 2009

Feel Like God

There are two ways I handle dreams - I rarely ever ignore dreams.

So, the most common approach, is to let my cold logic and rationale, break up a dream into small, manageable components, which I attack with gusto.

A second, more exciting way, is to throw caution to winds, jump in with a swim or drown attitude.

I am about to jump off into unchartered territory, swim unknown waters, throw that element of unknown into an already choppy life which will take me to shores, as yet unimagined. I jump in with a sense of absolute delight, delicious guilt, unadulterated joy of committing a sin - deliberately. And the dream....???

"Feel Like God"

It was an advertisement that seduced me a few years back. A guy on a Bajaj Avenger, black, low slung, powerful, racing alone on a road through infinite landscapes of Ladakh. He was smiling. Then came up the voice/text - and I was hooked.

Now, I am small by most standards, I don't need a powerful bike, I don't have the money, I don't know how to ride it, and Ladakh is really far from the mad, congested, urbanised, polluted Bangalore. So what will I do with a bike, like this???

My husband teases me - I am already getting a god-like glow. My sisters suggest that God wear a helmet. And me....I have been wearing a big, fat, stupid grin last few days. I am already flying in my imagination, on my own black Bajaj Avenger!!!

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