Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Concert Last Night

It is night. The world is bereft of all light. Darkness has poured into its void, leaving just a few pinpoints of escaping rays that anchor hope on the coming morrow. All the without has disappeared and the world is now focussed inwards- into the interiors of its dark realm. A time for the first haunting notes of Raag Poorya-a background drone of the tanpura deepens this darkness. An exploration of loss, nuances of pain; a slow drowning into depths of what shall never be again-lost love, disappeared youth. Eyes are shut to the outer world-to the musicians, audience, ones self slouched on a chair-shutting off all outside to break one's heart, to Poorya-over all night.

1 comment:

Nelli said...

I thought Astrophysicists know there is no such thing as light!