Monday, June 21, 2021

Recent Jottings


Yesterday, when night was just blotting out the day's light, sitting on the earth's edge, waves crashing below - the horizon seemed just within my grasp. I reached out, grabbed it, sucked it straight into my mouth - with a long slurp - like a slippery spaghetti. 

Now all that was far, distant and unattainable, is already within - digesting :)


Today, the ocean sang my melody, crashed it's cymbals and beat to the rhythm of my song.

I gulped down, thirsty and satiated, the light-deluge pouring behind my closed eyes.

In stillness, I danced my cosmic dance.


Today there's no horizon. There's no boundary, no separation, no limit - just a seamless merging of Earth & Sky, of Self with the Infinite. I am no longer defined or constrained by what I was taught to be. I am needless, wantless, playing in this moment- swirling in silent Sama - complete

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