Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Centered on a Horizon

I journey to seek horizons - and this has been so for a very long time.

I climb hills to see fading arcs of dusty distance cup an infinite sky; I wander lonely valleys encircled by distant purple peaks; but most of all I return to the ocean - where a never ending deep sapphire reaches to consummate a vast azure stillness, of lit diurnal clarity, or sequinned sparks.

I journey to the horizon to anchor my within on its limitless silence, even while my days lap in gentle waves or lash out with ferocity obscuring and obliterating both the inner and the distant eternal. I journey to realize, again, that it is the unreachable, which makes my seeking worthwhile,  the unattainable that captures my imagination, and the virtual which anchors my concrete, and real - hopes, dreams and strife.

I center on the distant horizon, in poise and in balance, even as my days dance in melody, with the waves.

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