My Beloved Children,
This I wish for you:
A future of Self Love and Self Care - because all springs of Life & Joy, are born in this....
Love for your youthful, lithe and strong body - and the pure freedom of enjoying days of robust health and boundless energy.
An open and adventurous mind - aware of the magic in mystery and mysterious that surrounds us - everywhere and all the time. A mind that heeds the world and its words but holds foremost its own counsel.
In a courageous heart that realises that life's alive, richer in taking risks pushing one's own boundaries - with ease and in laughter, but that the capacity to suffer pain is integral to experiencing joy - Yin & Yang govern our world and also inner selves
A Will that is resolute and strong - which recognises that ease & comfort only begets apathy & slumber - that the truly worthy is earned by persistence and hard work of love
A conscience that is alert and alive and your own inner guide & a constant companion, alerting you if you stray from who you wish to be
And finally a spirit that remains childlike in wonder - light and bright, serene and soaring, unquelled by any stormy seasons or unfazed by an occasional rainbow.
I sit by the sea writing this Wish - Letter for You Both as we get ready to cross another threshold into a New Year.
Lots and lots of love
Written for Jan 1, 2024