Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sitting in Silence

Today I wandered through my garden and sat in a corner, in silence.

I heard:
A chorus of the morning birds
A distant cry of peacock
A faint rustle of cool breeze again the coconut fronds.

I heard:
The rhythm of my breath, against
the percussion of pulsing blood, and
a deep silence singing in my ears.

I heard:
Flap of butterfly wings
Sunbird alighting on a passion vine
morning dew rolling off lotus pads
gutteral calls of a hundred micro-frogs.

I heard:
wind scatter rose pollen in golden dust
jasmine nectar intertwine with wafts from yang-ylang
guppies frolicking in the ponds
dragonflies alighting on grass tips
crickets rubbing their wings in glee.

I heard:
Sun waves lap warm against my face
a waning moon come tumbling down
invisible crystal stars swirl heavens in an eternal sufi dance
and... the stillness of ether.

Today I sat in my garden in silence and I became alive.